Complete refurbishing
After clearing the concept design, the studio elaborates all necessary drawings and schemes for the performance of all the reconstruction needed for the purposes of the design. The working design comprises:
Layout: We concretize the changes in the functions or the disposition of the premises. The new disposition of the premises is projected there.
Electrical installation scheme: Often a design provides for replacement of the existing installations. Therefore, we design the exact location of the individual comcheme.
Water & Sewer supply: In the common case the outlets are situated at places not corresponding to the functions of the premises and the actual furnishing (sinks, taps, mono-block toilet bowls, boilers, heating installation, shower booths, tubs, dishwashers and washing machines). The scheme identifies the exact location of all communications for drinking and waste waters.
Floorings plan: It determines as the flooring type for each room, as well as the assembly scheme, the necessity of slopes, levels differences and other specifics for the combination of the various types of flooring.
‘Reveal’ plan of all walls of the premises: The revealing shows the exact location of doors, window and door frames, decorative elements, combination of the various types of materials on the vertical leveling.
3D visualization: Under your request we can prepare a full visualization of the working design for more complete perception of the planed repair and furnishing activities for your home.